Online Kids Classes
Online group classes for students of all levels
Ages 6-9 & 10-13
Thousands of happy students taught!
Since 2012 we have helped thousands of children learn that Mandarin classes can be both fun and engaging.
Our 12+ years experience of teaching private lessons and running the after school Mandarin clubs at the top schools in NYC have taught us how to make weekly Mandarin lessons most effective, and how to lay the foundations for a life-long love of language learning.
If seeking classes for younger children, see our Baby & Toddler Lessons or book an assessment to see which classes might still work, or Book a Free Trial Lesson for private lessons.
If you don't see a class that fits your schedule, please contact us to create your own Pod!
What's Included?
A Free Assessment for Class Placement
Supplementary Worksheets and Mandarin Children's Books
Inquire About Missed Classes Credited to Future Terms
A Chance To Join Our Manhattan Mandarin Group Events (Think Food!)
Class Schedules
6 - 9 Year Olds
*Registration for classes will remain open until end of March *Spring break dates will be prorated
*Saturday / Monday Classes are off for Memorial Day
10 - 13 Year Olds
*Registration for classes will remain open until end of March *Spring break dates will be prorated
*Saturday / Monday Classes are off for Memorial Day