Chapter 4: 军形篇 (Jūn Xíng Piān) - Formation
孙子曰:昔之善战者,先为不可胜,以待敌之可胜。Sūn Zǐ yuē: Xī zhī shàn zhàn zhě, xiān wéi bù kě shèng, yǐ dài dí zhī kě shèng.
Sun Tzu said: Those skilled in war first make themselves invincible, and then wait for the enemy to become vulnerable.
不可胜在己,可胜在敌。Bù kě shèng zài jǐ, kě shèng zài dí.
Invincibility lies with oneself; the enemy's vulnerability depends on them.
故善战者,能为不可胜,不能使敌之必可胜。Gù shàn zhàn zhě, néng wéi bù kě shèng, bù néng shǐ dí zhī bì kě shèng.
Thus, those skilled in war can ensure their own invincibility, but cannot guarantee the enemy's defeat.
故曰:胜可知,而不可为。Gù yuē: Shèng kě zhī, ér bù kě wéi.
Therefore, it is said: One may know how to achieve victory, but cannot force it.
不可胜者,守也;可胜者,攻也。Bù kě shèng zhě, shǒu yě; kě shèng zhě, gōng yě.
Invincibility lies in defense; the opportunity for victory lies in attack.
守则不足,攻则有余。Shǒu zé bù zú, gōng zé yǒu yú.
Defend when strength is insufficient; attack when strength is abundant.
善守者,藏于九地之下;善攻者,动于九天之上。Shàn shǒu zhě, cáng yú jiǔ dì zhī xià; shàn gōng zhě, dòng yú jiǔ tiān zhī shàng.
The skilled defender hides in the depths of the earth; the skilled attacker moves in the heights of the heavens.
故能自保而全胜也。Gù néng zì bǎo ér quán shèng yě.Thus, they can protect themselves and achieve complete victory.
Vocabulary List for Chapter 4
Chinese | Pinyin | English Meaning |
军形 | jūn xíng | formation, disposition of troops |
善战 | shàn zhàn | skilled in war |
不可胜 | bù kě shèng | invincible |
可胜 | kě shèng | vulnerable, can be defeated |
敌 | dí | enemy |
守 | shǒu | defense |
攻 | gōng | attack |
胜 | shèng | victory |
不足 | bù zú | insufficient |
有余 | yǒu yú | abundant, surplus |
九地 | jiǔ dì | the depths of the earth |
九天 | jiǔ tiān | the heights of the heavens |
藏 | cáng | hide |
动 | dòng | move |
全胜 | quán shèng | complete victory |
自保 | zì bǎo | self-protection |