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The Art of War - 孙子兵法 - Chapter 10

Manhattan Mandarin

Chapter 10: 地形篇 (Dì Xíng Piān) - Terrain

孙子曰:地形有通者、有挂者、有支者、有隘者、有险者、有远者。Sūn Zǐ yuē: Dì xíng yǒu tōng zhě, yǒu guà zhě, yǒu zhī zhě, yǒu ài zhě, yǒu xiǎn zhě, yǒu yuǎn zhě.

Sun Tzu said: Terrain can be open, hanging, branching, constricted, precipitous, or distant.

通形者,先居高阳,利粮道,以战则利。Tōng xíng zhě, xiān jū gāo yáng, lì liáng dào, yǐ zhàn zé lì.

In open terrain, occupy high, sunny ground and secure supply routes; this ensures advantage in battle.

挂形者,敌虽利我,我无出也,引而去之,令敌半出而击之利。Guà xíng zhě, dí suī lì wǒ, wǒ wú chū yě, yǐn ér qù zhī, lìng dí bàn chū ér jī zhī lì.

In 'entangled' terrain, even if the enemy is favorable, do not engage them directly. Retreat to lure the enemy, then attack when they are halfway out.

支形者,我出而不利,彼出而不利,此支形也。Zhī xíng zhě, wǒ chū ér bù lì, bǐ chū ér bù lì, cǐ zhī xíng yě.

In branching terrain, neither side gains an advantage when advancing; avoid engagement.

隘形者,我先居之,必盈之以待敌;若敌先居之,盈而勿从,不从而趋之。Ài xíng zhě, wǒ xiān jū zhī, bì yíng zhī yǐ dài dí; ruò dí xiān jū zhī, yíng ér wù cóng, bù cóng ér qū zhī.

In constricted terrain, occupy it first and block the enemy. If the enemy occupies it first, do not attack but maneuver instead.

险形者,我居高而敌下,此险形也。Xiǎn xíng zhě, wǒ jū gāo ér dí xià, cǐ xiǎn xíng yě.

In precipitous terrain, position yourself above and the enemy below; this ensures advantage.

远形者,势均力敌,而战不利,此远形也。Yuǎn xíng zhě, shì jūn lì dí, ér zhàn bù lì, cǐ yuǎn xíng yě.

In distant terrain, if forces are equal, engaging in battle offers no advantage.

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