Chapter 1: 计篇 (Jì Piān) - Planning
孙子曰:兵者,国之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也。Sūn Zǐ yuē: Bīng zhě, guó zhī dà shì, sǐ shēng zhī dì, cún wáng zhī dào, bù kě bù chá yě.Sun Tzu said:
Warfare is the greatest affair of the state, the ground of life and death, the way of survival or extinction. It must be thoroughly pondered.
故经之以五事,校之以计,而索其情:一曰道,二曰天,三曰地,四曰将,五曰法。Gù jīng zhī yǐ wǔ shì, xiào zhī yǐ jì, ér suǒ qí qíng: yī yuē dào, èr yuē tiān, sān yuē dì, sì yuē jiàng, wǔ yuē fǎ.
Therefore, it is managed by five factors, analyzed by comparison, and used to seek out its conditions: The first is The Way; the second is Heaven; the third is Earth; the fourth is The Commander; the fifth is Law.
道者,令民与上同意也,故可以与之死,可以与之生,而不畏危。Dào zhě, lìng mín yǔ shàng tóng yì yě, gù kě yǐ yǔ zhī sǐ, kě yǐ yǔ zhī shēng, ér bù wèi wēi.
The Way is what makes the people share the same purpose as their superiors so that they can live or die together without fear of danger.
天者,阴阳、寒暑、时制也。Tiān zhě, yīn yáng, hán shǔ, shí zhì yě.
Heaven refers to night and day, cold and heat, and the times and seasons.
地者,高下、远近、险易、广狭、死生也。Dì zhě, gāo xià, yuǎn jìn, xiǎn yì, guǎng xiá, sǐ shēng yě.
Earth refers to distances, dangers, and ease of travel, as well as the chances of life or death.
将者,智、信、仁、勇、严也。Jiàng zhě, zhì, xìn, rén, yǒng, yán yě.
The Commander embodies qualities of wisdom, trustworthiness, benevolence, courage, and discipline.
法者,曲制、官道、主用也。Fǎ zhě, qū zhì, guān dào, zhǔ yòng yě.
Law pertains to organization, the chain of command, and logistics.
凡此五者,将必知之,知之者胜,不知者不胜。Fán cǐ wǔ zhě, jiàng bì zhī zhī, zhī zhī zhě shèng, bù zhī zhě bù shèng.
These five factors must be known to every general. Those who know them will win; those who do not will fail.
故校之以计而索其情,曰:主孰有道?将孰有能?天地孰得?法令孰行?兵众孰强?士卒孰练?赏罚孰明?Gù xiào zhī yǐ jì ér suǒ qí qíng, yuē: zhǔ shú yǒu dào? Jiàng shú yǒu néng? Tiān dì shú dé? Fǎ lìng shú xíng? Bīng zhòng shú qiáng? Shì zú shú liàn? Shǎng fá shú míng?Therefore, use these calculations to understand the conditions. Ask: Which ruler has the Way? Which general has ability? Which side has favorable conditions of Heaven and Earth? Where are discipline and law most thoroughly observed? Where are troops stronger? Where are officers and soldiers better trained? Which side has clear rewards and punishments?
吾以此知胜负矣。Wú yǐ cǐ zhī shèng fù yǐ.
By this, I know victory or defeat.
将听吾计,用之必胜,留之;将不听吾计,用之必败,去之。Jiàng tīng wú jì, yòng zhī bì shèng, liú zhī; jiàng bù tīng wú jì, yòng zhī bì bài, qù zhī.
If a commander listens to my calculations and uses them, he will win and be retained. If a commander does not listen to my calculations and uses them, he will fail and be dismissed.
计利以听,乃为之势,以佐其外。势者,因利而制权也。Jì lì yǐ tīng, nǎi wéi zhī shì, yǐ zuǒ qí wài. Shì zhě, yīn lì ér zhì quán yě.
By considering advantages and adapting to them, one can create situations and gain power.
兵者,诡道也。故能而示之不能,用而示之不用,近而示之远,远而示之近。Bīng zhě, guǐ dào yě. Gù néng ér shì zhī bù néng, yòng ér shì zhī bù yòng, jìn ér shì zhī yuǎn, yuǎn ér shì zhī jìn.
Warfare is the art of deception. Therefore, when capable, feign incapacity; when active, feign inactivity. When near, make it appear you are far; when far, make it appear you are near.
利而诱之,乱而取之,实而备之,强而避之,怒而挠之,卑而骄之,佚而劳之,亲而离之,攻其无备,出其不意。Lì ér yòu zhī, luàn ér qǔ zhī, shí ér bèi zhī, qiáng ér bì zhī, nù ér náo zhī, bēi ér jiāo zhī, yì ér láo zhī, qīn ér lí zhī, gōng qí wú bèi, chū qí bù yì.
Offer the enemy bait to entice them. Create disorder and take them. If they are substantial, prepare against them. If they are strong, avoid them. If they are angry, irritate them. If they are humble, make them haughty. If they are well-rested, wear them down. If they are united, divide them. Attack where they are unprepared. Emerge where they do not expect.
此兵家之胜,不可先传也。Cǐ bīng jiā zhī shèng, bù kě xiān chuán yě.
These are the strategies of a victorious general. They cannot be spoken of beforehand.
夫未战而庙算胜者,得算多也;未战而庙算不胜者,得算少也。Fū wèi zhàn ér miào suàn shèng zhě, dé suàn duō yě; wèi zhàn ér miào suàn bù shèng zhě, dé suàn shǎo yě.
Now, the one who wins battles makes many calculations in their temple before the battle is fought. The one who loses battles makes few calculations beforehand.
多算胜,少算不胜,而况于无算乎!吾以此观之,胜负见矣。Duō suàn shèng, shǎo suàn bù shèng, ér kuàng yú wú suàn hū! Wú yǐ cǐ guān zhī, shèng fù jiàn yǐ.
Thus, many calculations lead to victory, and few calculations lead to defeat—how much more no calculation at all! By observing this, I can foresee victory or defeat.
Vocabulary List for Chapter 1
Chinese | Pinyin | English Meaning |
孙子 | Sūn Zǐ | Sun Tzu (the author) |
曰 | yuē | said |
兵 | bīng | war, military affairs, soldiers |
者 | zhě | [indicates the subject] |
国 | guó | state, country |
大事 | dà shì | great affairs, important matters |
死生 | sǐ shēng | life and death |
存亡 | cún wáng | survival and extinction |
道 | dào | the Way, principle, doctrine |
天 | tiān | Heaven, natural conditions, timing |
地 | dì | Earth, terrain |
将 | jiàng | general, commander |
法 | fǎ | law, regulation |
阴阳 | yīn yáng | yin and yang (opposing natural forces) |
寒暑 | hán shǔ | cold and heat, climate |
高下 | gāo xià | high and low, elevation |
远近 | yuǎn jìn | distance, far and near |
险易 | xiǎn yì | danger and ease, difficulty of the terrain |
广狭 | guǎng xiá | wide and narrow, size of the terrain |
智 | zhì | wisdom |
信 | xìn | trustworthiness |
仁 | rén | benevolence |
勇 | yǒng | courage |
严 | yán | discipline |
赏 | shǎng | reward |
罚 | fá | punishment |
诡道 | guǐ dào | art of deception |
近 | jìn | near |
远 | yuǎn | far |
利 | lì | advantage, benefit |
诱 | yòu | entice, lure |
乱 | luàn | disorder, chaos |
实 | shí | substantial, solid |
强 | qiáng | strong |
怒 | nù | anger, rage |
卑 | bēi | humility, lowliness |
骄 | jiāo | arrogance, pride |
佚 | yì | ease, leisure |
劳 | láo | toil, fatigue |
攻 | gōng | attack |
无备 | wú bèi | unprepared |
出其不意 | chū qí bù yì | to emerge where they do not expect |
胜 | shèng | victory |
负 | fù | defeat |
庙算 | miào suàn | calculations made in the temple before battle |
算 | suàn | calculation |
多 | duō | many |
少 | shǎo | few |
勝负 | shèng fù | victory and defeat |
察 | chá | examine, investigate |